But the time will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; in those days they will fast.” Luke 5:35

Prayer and Fasting are spiritual disciplines, forming us to be like Jesus and follow His way. 

These disciplines are a key part of our spiritual life that open us up to the Holy Spirit and strengthen us against the schemes of Satan.

We believe that this intentional time of prayer and fasting invites God to solidify in us as individuals and as a church family our calling to love God, love People, follow and proclaim the way of Jesus.

Additional Prayer Items for LCF:

Growth of LCF in 2022 - God to bring growth, both numerically and spiritually to our church

Expansion of Leadership - God to provide leaders for worship, preaching, children & youth ministry, and administration.

Church Review Process - God to bring renewal and transformation within LCF as we work through our church review.

Relational Wholeness - God would work through the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship courses to bring healing and deep transformation in the lives of people and relational growth in the life of LCF in 2022.

Youth Alpha - God to deepen the faith and passion of all the youth taking Youth Alpha.

Church Finances - God to provide for our needs in 2022 and give wisdom to our church finance team as they work through the budget process.

End of Covid-19 - God to have mercy on the earth and bring an end to the Covid-19 pandemic. Wisdom and integrity for all provincial and federal governments as they navigate these days. Perseverance and unity for our church leadership in these days.

About Prayer & Fasting

The practice of fasting is to go without food.  While the removal of other things in our lives (such as social media, TV, etc.) are beneficial and even needed at times to help us pursue God, going without them is abstinence, not fasting.

Biblically, fasting is a specific practice that denies your body food to starve your flesh and rely on God as our source for all things.

We encourage you to be obedient as God directs you to remove other things in your life as well during this time but we also encourage you to specifically fast food as able.


Make fasting something that will require sacrifice on your part.  

Be grateful for the gift of fasting and how it draws you to Jesus; resist any temptation to see fasting as pressuring God for what you want or feel you deserve.

Be intentional about prayer, set aside specific times to pray and seek God.

When it comes to fasting food, start small.  Don’t go from nothing to a weeklong fast; pace yourself and work up to longer fasts.

For some of us, it may not be possible to fast food entirely for different health reasons. We encourage you to fast to the extent that it is possible for you and medically recommended.  This may mean fasting specific food or drink items.  The purpose of fasting is to draw us to rely on God and pursue more of his presence in our lives.

A great resource is “Fasting for Beginners” at www.desiringgod.org