We continue our study in Hebrews, looking at the end of chapter 4 and into chapter 5; wondering, can Jesus identify with me? How? Does he even get it? How is Jesus able to empathize with me? Important questions that we’ll touch on in this podcast.
After a week of prayer and fasting Pastor Paul speaks about why we pray, based on Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 6:5-15. Prayer is meant for the secret place as well as corporately with the body of Christ. Listen to hear five reasons for why we pray and a look at how to pray.
There is lots to be stirred up about these days. Lots. But are we stirred up with passion for the things of God? How do we stir up passion for God? Pastor Paul dives into this in conjunction with our time of prayer & fasting as a church.
What are you looking to and trusting in for contentment in 2021? If the year doesn't bring what you expect, how and where will you find contentment? Pastor Paul digs into the letter to the Philippians to find the secret to this question.
The lead up to Christmas this year is different than anything we’ve ever experienced. But perhaps we have a lot in common with that first Christmas than we think and in this gain perspective on what God is doing.