The beatitudes are 8 qualities that Jesus says will define those who follow his way, starting with those who are poor in spirit. What does it mean to be poor in spirit? Why does Jesus begin with this beatitude? How can we know it we're embracing this in our lives? We dig into these 3 questions as we begin exploring qualities that are part of Jesus' way to subvert the world's way.
Who Do You Say That I Am?
The Kingdom Manifesto - Jesus' Way to Subvert the World's Way
Jesus came with a provocative message, announcing: “repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” And what Jesus began to teach served as his manifesto, calling individuals to follow his way. What is this call for our lives? We kick off a new series that will take us through the Beatitudes, providing context and shape for what is to come…
Why Do We Gather? Pt.2
Why Do We Gather?
Giving Our Everything to Gain Everything
A Life Fully Surrendered
Luke 14 records Jesus telling two parables about a wedding and a great banquet that reveal powerful truth about what it means to follow Jesus and count the cost in our lives. Are we willing to count the cost of discipleship in our lives? What does it mean to live fully surrendered to the way of Jesus?
The Amazing Transformation of Authenticity
Within ourselves we have a longing to be authentic; we want consistency between our inner and outer lives. This is the challenge that we all face within ourselves. But is harmony with our inner and outer self the pinnacle of authenticity? Does this satisfy our desire for true authenticity? We look at these questions through the lense of Romans 14 as we seek to follow the way of Jesus.
What is in Your Hand?
Our Affection for the Lord
Matt Vogt joined us this week. His message was based around Our Affection for the Lord and what makes our hearts come alive.
Sermon Tidbit: The Holy Spirit’s job is to give us the very best part of God. We have a million little vices trying to fill our needs, but God wants to satisfy every one of our needs.
The Biblical Reality of Our Lives
I AM the Vine
I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life
What is the way for our lives? How do I find peace, fulfillment, meaning, and purpose? Jesus’ claim "I am the way, the truth, and the life" offers us incredible hope amidst our hearts being troubled. How do we respond to such an audacious claim? Listen as we continue our series " I AM" from John's Gospel.